“God’s design for taking the gospel to the world is a slow, intentional, simple process that involves every one of his people sacrificing every facet of their lives to multiply the life of Christ in others.”
– David Platt

Home Visits
Home visits are one of the ways the Uganda team regularly encourages and shares the gospel message with the children and families of Arrows + Hope!

This photo is from a visit to Joshua’s home in Omalara. Joshua, who is shy but always smiling, was recently hit by a boda boda (motorcycle) and fractured his femur bone. He has Down Syndrome and attends school for children with disabilities. The team found him sitting outside on a blanket with paper and a pencil in hand. He clearly was missing school! The family was so grateful to Arrows + Hope for the prayers, care, and provision for the surgery and medical care for Joshua.
Goat Project Update
This past Christmas, Arrows + Hope was able to provide the gift of a goat to each family! Dennis, who is the AH Project Manager, recently did an assessment and found that many families have truly benefited from this gift!

Derrick told Dennis that his family has been taking good care of the goat they had received – grazing it, providing water, and treating it with herbal medicine. Derrick had also received a goat from his sponsor. These two goats have now multiplied to six! Derrick has a plan of multiplying more goats and then selling them to buy a cow. He said a cow will be even more productive, producing milk, and will be easier to graze than many goats.
Uganda’s median income is $67/month. Most of the families we are working with live in rural villages and earn less than the median income. Having goats or a cow gives a family security as they have something to sell, if necessary, to help pay for food, school fees, medical bills, etc.
Arrows + Hope Graduates
Recently, the local team visited several of the graduates of Arrows + Hope and sent us an update with photos, and videos. Doing ministry in Uganda is not easy. There are many highs and many lows. Receiving videos of students sharing their testimonies and giving glory to God greatly encouraged all of us. As David Platt’s quote above reminds us, taking the gospel to the world is a slow, intentional, simple process. It often takes time and we don’t always see the fruit immediately, but we definitely are celebrating how God is working in the lives of the graduates you will read about below!
Betty shared with us how her tailoring and shoe-making shop is providing for her rent, food, and school fees for her son, Poel. She said she is enjoying doing the work. Her other son, Scott, is blind and has cerebral palsy. He is being supported by Arrows + Hope to receive the care he needs.

Michael shared how he is grateful for the training in electrical work that he received from Arrows + +Hope. He is also thankful for the work supplies that he needed to begin his work!

Susan thanked God, through tears, giving Him glory for the opportunity He has given her through Arrows + Hope. She recalled the days she would sit down and cry, not knowing what she would do. She was grateful to the Uganda team for encouraging her through difficult times. Today, she owns her own salon, and shares that she can feed her family and take her kids to school!

Miriam graduated from secondary school (high school) with the dream of becoming a pilot. She was saddened to learn that she could not be admitted to the program due to her final exam results from one of her classes. The team in Uganda encouraged her to be open to other opportunities. During this time, Miriam jumped in to help disciple children of AH during center days and at their schools!
Miriam has a beautiful testimony of growing up Muslim and later giving her life to Christ! This September, she will begin a course in Flight Operation and Dispatch at Kubis Aviation College. We are so excited God has opened these doors for her!

Michelle graduated just over a month ago from Kampala International University with a degree in Information Technologies! In a video, she thanked Dennis, (AH Project Coordinator), who stood in the gap as a father figure to her. She is so grateful for the encouragement he gave her and how he was always pointing her to the truth. She also thanked her sponsor who supported her in pursuing her dreams!