We are delighted to share Sarah Christine’s inspiring story with you this month! Sarah has grown to become a remarkable young lady who is now actively making a difference in her community because of what the Lord has done in her life.

Sarah was primarily raised by her grandparents because her mother is mentally disabled and her father is absent. Back in 2016, Sarah was placed on the waiting list for a sponsor. She was soon sponsored by a family in Texas, which allowed her to receive an educational scholarship and discipleship on a regular basis. She has three brothers who are also receiving scholarships through Arrows + Hope.
From the beginning, it was evident Sarah was a natural leader with a heart for children. While she was still young, she helped lead skits, dancing and singing with the younger children.
Sarah became a mother at a young age, which was very difficult for her. Her sponsor family wanted to continue supporting her in the goals and dreams she had for her life.

More recently, as an older student, Sarah volunteered to help lead discipleship programs with Susan, the Arrows + Hope Discipleship Coordinator. She participated in the business training program offered through Arrows + Hope, attended a Farming God’s Way training, and later volunteered to train children and adults who are part of the Arrows + Hope Community.

We are very excited to share that Sarah will be graduating from University next month! In the following excerpt from a letter she wrote to the Arrows + Hope team, Sarah shares her gratitude, acknowledging what the Lord has done in her life!
Hello Arrows + Hope,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and joy in your hearts. I am so happy for how far the Lord has brought me… I am writing to you to share the exciting news, I have successfully completed my course of diploma in animal production and management at Busitema University… I am thrilled to have achieved this milestone, and am grateful for your support, love, care and encouragement that you showed me throughout my studies.
I will therefore graduate on 15th of November, with a diploma in animal production and management certificate.
I am so proud of who I am now because of Arrows + Hope, I am able to go out and speak to the youth and farmers encouraging them to focus on their mission and goals on who they want to be.
I am currently operating a veterinary drug shop in Soroti. In addition to the plans that I have for farming and teaching, my long term goal is to open a veterinary drug shop that not only provides essential healthcare services but also generates income to support further studies and community development projects like poultry keeping, goat rearing, and Farming God’s Way. I believe that this venture will enable me to make a positive impact on people’s lives and contribute to the well-being of our communities.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and guidance. You believed in me and your investments in my education have made a significant difference in my life. I look forward to staying in touch with you and exploring ways to work together to make a positive impact in Arrows + Hope Uganda and more so to the children of Arrows + Hope and the community.
– Sarah Christine
2024 Golf Tournament Update!
Thank you to everyone who prayed, sponsored, volunteered and attended the 9th Annual Arrows + Hope Golf Tournament! It was a beautiful day filled with fellowship and fun.

We were overwhelmed by generosity at this year’s event! The funds we raised will make a huge difference for each child of Arrows + Hope in the following ways:
University & Trade School Scholarships
Office & Gathering Space in Soroti/Entebbe
Medical Treatment
Weekly Discipleship Programs