Sponsorship provides children with the life-changing support they so desperately need, and just as importantly, tells them they are valued, loved, and have a purpose!
You can sponsor a child through Arrows + Hope for as little as $30 per month – only $1 a day! Each child can have up to two $30/month sponsors, or one $60/month sponsor. You'll receive a physical sponsor packet with your child’s printed photo, and written letters from your child 1-2 times per year.
It's easy to sign up, and all donations and sponsorship gifts are tax-deductible charitable contributions. Child sponsorships are administered through Helps Ministries, our 501c3 partner organization. Follow the link below to see all Arrows + Hope children currently waiting for a sponsor!
Your sponsorship helps provide:
Educational Scholarships
Sponsorship provides a child with the support he or she needs to attend school. Older children may also apply for scholarships to continue their education through vocational school or university.
Scholastic Materials
A sponsored child receives all the necessary materials to attend school. Some of these items include: mattresses, uniforms, shoes, sugar, mosquito net, etc. We also provide medical care for each child.
Our mission is to point each child to Christ in all we do. This is lived out through word and action by the leadership team in Uganda as they encourage, counsel, and interact with each child.