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Serving orphaned and vulnerable children through:

Educational Scholarships

Sponsorship provides a child with the support he or she needs to attend school. Older children may also apply for scholarships to continue their education through vocational school or university.

Scholastic Materials

A sponsored child receives all the necessary materials to attend school. Some of these items include: mattresses, uniforms, shoes, sugar, mosquito net, etc. We also provide medical care for each child.


Our mission is to point each child to Christ in all we do. This is lived out through word and action by the leadership team in Uganda as they daily encourage, counsel, and interact with the children.

“Children are a heritage from the Lord…
like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children.”

– Psalm 127:3-4

Sponsor a Child

In each center, Soroti and Entebbe, we add children who are most in need to the Arrows + Hope waiting child list. Typically, these are children who have lost one or both parents, but in some cases, a child who has both parents can also be living in extremely difficult conditions.

Your sponsorship support of $30 or $60 per month truly makes a difference in the lives of these children!

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Latest Updates

Stories of Hope – May 2024

We love to hear how God moves in the hearts of people to sponsor a child.  The story below is a special one of how Ella was led to sponsor Proscovia through Arrows + Hope Uganda: “Some things in life seem like coincidences, and others are undoubtedly the work of God guiding and calling you […]

Stories of Hope – January 2024

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:6 1:6 Evelyn was part of a large group of men, women, and children who had gathered at the home of a newly sponsored child we were visiting […]

Stories of Hope – November 2023

Once a year, we travel to Uganda for the primary purpose of team meetings, strategizing, encouragement, and prayer with the staff working in Uganda.  The team is growing, as we now have 10 Ugandans employed by Arrows + Hope!  We also visit with the children and young adults to see how things are going from […]