Happy New Year!
Because of the gift of the new life we have in Christ, we look forward with hope to what this new year holds.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
– 2 Corinthians 5:17
Update shared by Claude, A+H Social Worker
Malaria is still a major threat in our communities. The government in addition to the available anti-malaria medicines, is trying to fight it by distributing free, insecticide mosquito nets to every family. This still has not worked though, since some people missed out during the distribution exercise. We thank our precious donors for helping to keep the sponsored children healthy. You have given and showed our children the best love ever.

Christmas Packages
90 children received a Christmas package during the course of the month. They included 55 boys and 35 girls coming from Teso sub region and Jinja.
Each child received 5 kgs of rice, 8 kgs of beans, 2 sachets of salt, 2 bars of washing soap, 1 litre of cooking oil, and 1 solar light.
Following our recent home visitations, we discovered that children were struggling in terms of sources of light – for reading and home use in the evenings. Children were so excited to receive the above items since most of them were not sure how they would celebrate Christmas. They did not have money to procure the kind of items Arrows + Hope Uganda gave them.

Giving the Christmas packages was a blessing to the children and their families. Rice during Christmas or big days is a delicacy to most families in Uganda. What the children received this year won’t go unnoticed, and will be remembered as long as Arrows + Hope Uganda is in existence.

“We thank our Donors who have continued to make us smile throughout the year. You are our parents separated by distance, we are united by love,” said the children.
Students who are sitting for their national examination in March 2021 returned home for second term holidays successfully on December 18th.
The government reopened candidate classes across the country in October under tight restrictions, with numerous Standard Operating Procedures to be followed. There were concerns that such a move to reopen schools in this era of the Coronavirus pandemic would worsen the situation and endanger the life of the school-goers. However, none of the schools where our children go have registered any cases of Covid-19 infections during the course of the term.

Thank you for being a ray of light in the life of the children, rekindling their faith and hope in 2020. Children are where they are today because you gave passionately. They are at school, receive quality medical services, they are discipled, and receive skills and much more.
May God bless and reward you now and always.