Merry Christmas to you and your family from all of us at Arrows + Hope!

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
– Luke 2:11
he is the Messiah, the Lord.”
“For the believer there is hope beyond the grave, because Jesus Christ has opened the door to heaven for us by His death and resurrection.”
– Billy Graham
This month, Arrows + Hope partnered with Heart for Uganda to host a two-week business training in Soroti! 15 of the older sponsored children had the opportunity to attend. The training teaches business skills so unemployed youth can become job creators. The business skills they taught included: pricing, bookkeeping, capital management, writing business plans, maintaining credit books, etc. It empowers and equips unemployed youth with the skills necessary to find and keep a job.
The program also addresses things such as the poverty mindset (“I am poor, I will always be poor, and nothing is going to change”), entitlement (“I’m owed something and someone needs to fix my problems”), dependency, lack of excellence, lack of moral values, and lack of self-governance. The training is centered around discipleship to train them to become godly leaders.
We are thankful for this ministry and the two trainers who traveled from Jinja to Soroti to bless these youth with this valuable information. Below are some photos from the training which was held at the Arrow + Hope office at the beginning of this month.

Happy Birthday, Sophy!
Sophy, who works as the Arrows + Hope Accountant, celebrated her birthday this month! She is not only gifted at numbers, but also at relationships. She has a heart for the children and they adore her. We surprised her with cake, and some of the older sponsored girls were able to celebrate the day with her. Cake, candles, and soda are a very special treat in Uganda!

Answers to Prayer
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. In 2020, Arrows + Hope has been able to meet the needs of many children above their sponsorship because of the generosity of so many. Things like surgeries, dental work, safehouse (House of Hope), business training, emergency food support, fast growing seeds, small business start ups for caregivers, and more, have improved the lives of these children with the goal always being to point them to Hope in Christ.One example of this is sweet Mary. Last month, Mary had a repeat root canal at a quality dental office, three hours from her home, after the first dentist did not do it correctly. She needs several more visits to rebuild her tooth before a crown can be put on it. Her mother is so grateful for the help.