“For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”
– Psalm 100:5
Arrows + Hope Uganda’s mission is to point children to true HOPE in Christ through education and discipleship. To do this, we come alongside widows, grandmothers, and families living in extreme poverty. These guardians are courageous and strong; they desire to provide for their children the same as we do here in the US. While the focus of Arrows + Hope is primarily on the child, we desire to show love and support to their guardians as well.

Business Class Success!
The business class that took place a few months ago was such a success, we have partnered with Heart for Uganda to do it again! This time, the majority of those who attended were guardians of Arrows + Hope children. Many of them have a small, struggling business; or a desire to begin a small business, but lack the knowledge and skill to get started. Our desire is to help them help themselves so they can better provide for the basic needs of their children. The class took place on March 15, and we look forward to sharing more details about it next month!
Amiss and his Grandmother
Amiss and his grandmother attended the business class onsite in Jinja a few months ago. She was ecstatic about the knowledge she gained, and shared it with us during our last visit to Uganda. Arrows + Hope gifted her with a business start-up fund of approximately $200, which she used to purchase her business license, a weighing scale, sugar, different forms of soap, salt, tea leaves, bread, beans, posho, rice, and many other items to sell in the storefront which is located in front of her home.

The best part about this visit back in November was Amiss sharing he is born again – meaning he is now a follower of Jesus Christ. Amiss grew up in a Muslim home. He attended a Christian School, a Christian Church by his own choice, and has been encouraged in his faith by his sponsor. Seeds were planted. Hearing him say with excitement that he is born again was an answer to so many prayers! His grandmother is still a Muslim, but we continue praying she will also come to know Jesus as her savior. Amiss has recently started a class to become a DJ for events and weddings.
Allan and his Grandmother
The grandmother to Allan passed away in January from high blood pressure and heart failure. She was a very humble, social, and loving lady. She never missed a single event or activity organized by Arrows + Hope! She is pictured below (on the grass mat in the center) teaching the women a dance they were preparing for our January 2020 trip to Uganda!

We are happy to share that a relative of Allan’s has stepped in to take care of him. Allan is pictured below with two goats Arrows + Hope gave him to show our love and support after the passing of his grandmother. Continue to pray for him as he adjusts to life without his grandmother.

Guardian Meeting
Last month, the Arrows + Hope Ugandan team gathered all guardians together to share a meal and answer any questions they may have about the sponsorship program. Below are some photos of their time together!

Prayer Requests from the team in Uganda:
Please pray for the seven children who are candidates in grades Primary 7, Senior 4 and Senior 6, that they receive good grades as this determines school placement next year.
Please pray for health and healing for all of the children. This past month, 11 children were treated at Bethesda Hospital. Eight of them were for malaria cases.