Classes Resume
On September 20, 2020 schools were allowed to reopen and resume classes for youth in grades Primary 7, Senior 4, Senior 6, and those in University. Primary 7 is the last year of what we call elementary school in the US. In Uganda, an exam is taken this year and their results determine not only whether they pass, but also which secondary school (high school) they will be accepted into. Senior 4 and Senior 6 are also the years in which exams are given to determine a student’s steps after high school.
The team in Uganda has been working hard as they continue visiting, encouraging, discipling, and creatively helping the children of Arrows and Hope during the month of September, while school remained closed.
House of Hope
Betty and Rhoda began their training in tailoring last month! Both Betty and Rhoda are currently living in the House of Hope. Each day, they walk to and from training which begins at 10:00am and ends at 5:30pm. Below, Claude shares what a blessing it is to them to have this opportunity.

“The two girls love the training with passion since it is what they have been longing for in life. It was their desire to have a skill on this trade and will benefit them and their families once they are done with training. Arrows + Hope Uganda procured for them a sewing machine each for the beginning since it was a requirement for all the trainees to have one before any training could start.”

Sweet Apio Scott is making great progress. He was born with cerebral palsy and is blind. Apio and his twin, Adongo, are being cared for at the House of Hope while their mother, Betty, attends training for tailoring. Betty has done a great job of taking Scott to the local hospital to help him receive the care he needs as well as doing his exercises while at home. We are so proud of her!
Susan Adiambo has one more month of training/apprenticeship in Hairdressing, and then she will be equipped to work on clients in a salon! She has worked hard on learning this skill, and we are so excited for her and proud of her for persevering. Susan is currently living at the House of Hope while she finishes her training.

Business Skills Training
Amis, Amis’s grandmother, and Peace attended a two-week training course for business skills and job readiness in Jinja. This training was supported by Arrows + Hope in partnership with an organization in Jinja. We are excited to also bring this training to Soroti, so all young adults and some caregivers can benefit!
Peace was given some capital funds (approximately $200 USD) to help her clothing business which currently involves her walking around town with her sack of clothing and a big smile on her face! Amis’s grandmother owns a small storefront where she can sell goods to those who pass by. During our visits, it became been clear she has been struggling to run this business with few items to sell. She now has some skills which will help her. We are also excited to see what Amis will do. He has many gifts and has come so far from his former life on the streets. We know God has great plans for him.

Seed Harvest
During the food distribution while Uganda was on lockdown, families were also given fast-growing seed to plant. We are pleased to share that some of these families have harvested their crops, and are now able to use some for food and the remaining to sell in order to buy other necessities.

Prayer Requests
- During the month of September, four children were treated for malaria. Please continue to pray for their health and healing.
- Mary fell and injured her front tooth, which now needs a crown. The closest reputable dental clinic is five hours away in Jinja. Pray for safety while traveling and a smooth process for Mary.
- Please continue to lift up the children who are HIV-positive. A+H is providing each of them with food supplements during this difficult time. Nutrition and daily medication are an important part in keeping them healthy and strong.
- We also praise the Lord for the successful renewal of the Arrows + Hope registration status within Soroti District. We were issued a new certificate which is valid for another year. Thank you to the team in Uganda who worked hard to make this happen. Uganda recently closed many NGOs operating within Uganda, so we praise God for these open doors to continue serving the orphan and vulnerable children of Uganda!