“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”
– Psalm 9:1

The majority of Arrows + Hope Children are now back in school after an extended holiday due to COVID-19. Thank you to Sophy, Claude, and Stanley for all their hard work to ensure each child was ready for school. School supplies were bought, school fees paid, and each child transported from their village to school. We are incredibly grateful for this amazing team, on the ground, in Uganda.
Business Training for Caregivers

On March 8th, 21 caregivers of Arrows + Hope children gathered for a business training. Stanley, the Arrows + Hope Uganda Director, welcomed and thanked the guardians for taking time to attend the training. Each attendee received a certificate of completion and had their photo taken in a cap and gown to celebrate their accomplishment!
Those attending learned business basics, including: business terms, starting a business, growing a business, sales, marketing and merchandising, record keeping, stock management, your wage and accessing finance, financial management, service and biblical worldview. The participants were so excited and expressed their gratitude to the in country and international Arrows + Hope teams for organizing and facilitating the training.

A few quotes from attendees:
“We had never thought something like this would happen.”
“We are going back as ambassadors of change in our communities.”
“We have been running our businesses based on our knowledge. What we have got here will take our initiatives to greater heights.”

Bicycle Distribution
Arrows + Hope gifted bicycles to two of our community coordinators, Rebecca and Grace! Community Coordinators are the first point of contact for the Arrows + Hope team in Uganda. They reach out to Claude (A+H social worker) when a child is sick and needs treatment, as well as help to mobilize the children for discipleship programs. Each of them is a safe person for the children to go to if needed. We are so thankful for their willingness to serve in this way.

Japheth, Javan, and Jessey

Mr. Milton Okello was at Bethesda Hospital receiving treatment while wondering how he would be able to take care of his five children. The hospital staff told him about the work of Arrows + Hope in the community, which led him to visit our offices. The team set up a meeting in his home to assess the family’s situation.
Milton and Beatrice are 44 and 35 years old. They have five children and provide for their family through agriculture. Their gardens are small and the work is done by Beatrice and her older children. In 1997, Milton fell sick but was able to continue supporting his family, although he was in pain. He has always been a strong and energetic man who worked hard to provide for his wife and children. He used to do subsistence farming to pay for his children’s school fees and basic needs. In 2013, he became unable to walk and was diagnosed with a bone collapse in the spinal cord. He needed surgery, but his family could not raise the money.
Four year later, a friend helped them and took Milton to Mulago hospital in Kampala where the surgery was conducted. However, even after the surgery, Milton remained paralyzed from the waist down.

Though school has already started, these three boys remain at home, as their family cannot provide the required school fees and requirements. If you feel called to sponsor Japheth, Javan, or Jesse, visit our sponsorship link below. You will see their names and photos listed among the waiting children! Email michelle@arrowsandhope.org for more information.
Sponsor a Child »Following Him to Obalanga…
The team in Uganda recently consulted the Kapelebyong District Local Government authorities about the opportunity to operate and register children in Obalanga sub county. This area has a large number of orphaned and vulnerable children due to the Lord’s Resistance Army Rebels – a local militia group that fought the government 15 years ago which left families impoverished, children orphaned, and widespread HIV/AIDS. This area was formerly a refugee camp.
Please pray for the team as they work to obtain a permit for Arrows + Hope to reach the children of Obalanga, as the need there is great and we believe God will do a great work in this place!
Call for Letters!
On June 11, 2021 a team will be traveling to Uganda. We would love to hand deliver a letter to your child! Feel free to include photos, stickers, or anything which fits in a manila envelope. Please email, mail, or drop off your letter (no later than May 31) to either:
Michelle Fisher
5796 16th Ave
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Sandy Holtrop
6577 64th Ave
Hudsonville, MI 49426
We hope you’ve enjoyed reading the most recent letter from your sponsored child or children! If you haven’t received a letter in a while, please email sandy@arrowsandhope.org so we can make sure we have your correct address on file.
2022 Arrows + Hope Vision Trips
We would love to have you join us on a life-changing trip to Uganda in 2022! We will soon be sharing dates for expected January and June 2022 trips.

Questions? Email michelle@arrowsandhope.org or sandy@arrowsandhope.org.